Product Overview
PCB Mania Clockwork Orange
Project overview
Jfet conversion of the Orange Graphic MKII ™ that delivers a thick and saturated drive. This project really stands out from the standard Jfet amp emulators due the nature of its schematic, you can find the baxandall eq at the beginning, in between the first and second gain stages, to have total control of your tone before the signal gets saturated. But what makes this project and the original Orange Graphic MKII so interesting is the FAC switch that acts as a high pass filter in between the third and fourth stages, allowing you to do dial your tone in unique ways.
It´s not about Alex and his droogs in Stanley Kubricks Masterpiece of a Movie based on a book by Anthony Burgess. Big sorry for that. But send me a mail if you want to talk about it. It´s one of my all-time favorites and I could chat about that for hours.
So… Why the name? When we are basically talking about an all-time classic British amplifier pressed into a rocking hot preamp/drive project where the tubes get replaced by Jfets to make it even DIY friendlier without sacrificing the response and behavior that you are looking for? Maybe it´s because of the fact that these super rare Amps were also made in the ’70s and maybe the color got to do something with it as well. Maybe the artists who played the original Orange Graphic MKII ™ back in the days like Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Sleep, High on fire, etc…. Watched the movie as well. Who knows, I just like that name but should probably get back to the point. To get the dust from this schematic we added a rotary switch to select different filter caps what is altering the whole behavior of the effect and makes it even better suitable for anything from classic rock to doom metal.
- Gain
- Master
- Bass
- Treble
- FAC switch (high pass filter)
Clockwork Orange – Building Docs
Clockwork Orange – Drilling Templates A4